- Ecosoft controller OC6000 with econnect functionality providing online access to the RO machine
- Easy to use thanks to smart architecture
- Universal system construction allows connecting options of permeate flushing and raw water blending
- Grundfos worldwide guaranty
- CE marked and confirmed to be safe in accordance with EC New Approach Directives

Dimensions, H×W×D: 1450×540×385 mm
Filter weight 55 kg
- Grundfos® CM 1-10 pump
- 300 psi membrane vessel
- BB10 sediment prefilter
- Electrical panel with Ecosoft controller
- Danfoss solenoid valves
- Piping, instrumentation
- Steel frame
- Carton crate
- Filmtec™ ХLE-4040 / LCLE-4040 or Ecosoft ELP-4040 membrane
- Dosing pump for antiscalant
- Versatile set for raw water blending (30…240 L/h) or permeate flushing
- influent water — ½”
- permeate — ½”
- concentrate — ½”
- antiscalant dosing port – ½″
- permeate flushing input port – ½”
- Permeate capacity* — 250 L/h
- Permeate recovery** — 75%
- Maximum TDS — 3000 mg/L
- Influent flow demand
– 320…400 L/h (service)
– 1500…2000 L/h (rinse) - Operation pressure — 8…12 bar
- Maximum pressure — 14 bar
- Electrical requirements — 230 V, 50 Hz (1 ph)
- Electrical power — 0.7 kW
- Prefilter rating — 5 μm
* depends on feed water TDS, temperature, and permeate recovery
** for low scaling/fouling water
Feed water requirements
- Influent water temperature — +5…+40 °С
- Residual chlorine, max — 0.1 mg/L
- Hardness — up to 3 meq/L (150 mg/L CaCO₃)
- Iron — up to 0.1 mg/L
- Manganese — up to 0.05 mg/L
- Silicate — up to 20 mg/L
- Chemical oxygen demand, max — 4.0 mg О₂/L
- Hydrogen sulfide – none
The limitations may be exceeded if using antiscalant, oxygen scavenger, or other RO chemical pretreatment.
Controller ОС 6000 provides best possibilities for professional maintenance:
— measures flow rate and volume of purified water;
— controls quality of feed water and treated water;
— purified water discharge mode;
— remote update of firmware.