TapTec™ LC HF-4040 4″ Membrane element (EN)

0.00  available on subscription


Average Permeate Flow Rate 10.6 m³/day

Minimum Salt Rejection 98.5 %

Stabilized Salt Rejection 99 %


  • DuPont™ membrane (USA) is the world standard for water purification
  • Clean water for business – 10 600 liters of water of stable quality per day
  • High energy efficiency due to low operating pressure
  • Large active surface of ​​the element provides higher productivity
  • Automated high-precision production makes it possible to obtain elements with maximum active surface


Technical data

  • Operating pressure – 10.3 bar
  • Permeate volume – 10.6 m³/day
  • Stabilized salt rejection – 99.0 %
  1. Permeate consumption and salt (NaCl) rejection are indicated for the following test conditions: 1500 mg/L NaCl, 25°C.  

Operating conditions

  • Maximum operating water temperature – 35 °С
  • Maximum operating pressure – 41 °С
  • Maximum pressure drop – 1.0 bar
  • pH range, operational mode – 3…10
  • pH range, chemical cleaning mode – 2…12
  • Maximum feed silt density index SDI < 5
  • Free chlorine tolerance – <0.1 mg/L


Before launch of the reverse osmosis system preliminary preparation of the membrane, refill of the elements, adjustment of the devices and other system checks should be performed.

Avoid any major pressure or flow surges inside the spiral-wound elements in the middle of launch, stop, cleaning etc. to avoid risk of damage infliction to the membrane. During the launch it is recommended to gradually switch the system from standstill to operational mode following the steps:

  • gradually increase feed water pressure during 30-60 seconds
  • operational rate of the flows should be developed gradually during 15-20 seconds
  • permeate obtained within the first hour of operation is discharged

Important information

  • After the initial soaking always keep the elements wet.
  • To prevent biofouling during long operation breaks it is recommended to submerge the membrane elements into preservative solutions.
  • Maximum pressure drop along the full length of the housing makes 3.4 bar.

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