- Delivers consistent water quality and higher rejection and flow than previous generation BW30 product
- Based on historical BW30 Industry-standard RO membrane with decades of proven performance
- Excellent durability resulting in stable, long-term performance
Key applications
- Demineralization for industrial applications, such as: PowerGeneration, Steel & Metal, Chemical & Petrochemical
- Municipal water purification
Typical properties
- Nominal active surface – 37 m²
- Permeate flow rate – 42 m3/day
- Stabilized salt rejection – 99.6%
- Minimum salt rejection – 99.4%
1. Permeate flow and salt rejection based on the following standard conditions: 2,000 ppm NaCl, 225 psi (15.5 bar), 77°F (25°C), pH 8 and 15% recovery.
2. Flow rates for individual elements may vary but will be no more than 15% below the value shown.
3. Sales specifications may vary as design revisions take place.
Suggested Operating Conditions
- Membrane Type – Polyamide Thin-Film Composite
- Maximum Operating Temperature – 45°C 1
- Maximum Operating Pressure – 41 bar
- Maximum Pressure Drop – 1.0 bar 1
- pH Range (continous operation) – 2-11 1
- pH Range (Short-Term Cleaning =30 min) – 1-13 2
- Maximum Feed Flow – 17 m3/hr
- Maximum Feed Silt Density Index – SDI 5
- Free Chlorine Tolerance 4 <0.1 ppm
1. Maximum temperature for continuous operation above pH 10 is (35°C).
2. Refer to FilmTec™ Cleaning Guidelines (Form No. 45-D01696-en).
3. For recommended feed and permeate flow rates, flux, and recovery for various feed sources, refer to FilmTec™ DesignGuidelines for multiple-element systems of 8-inch elements (Form No. 45-D01695-en).
4. Oxidation damage is not covered under warranty, DuPont recommends removing residual free chlorine by pretreatment prior to membrane exposure. Please refer to Dechlorinating Feedwater (Form No. 45-D01569-en) for more information.
General Information
- Keep elements moist at all times after initial wetting.
- For successful operation of Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF) membrane systems, the operation must follow the guidelines provided in the FilmTec™ ReverseOsmosis / Nanofiltration Elements Operation Excellence and Limiting Conditions Tech Fact (Form No. 45-D04388-en).
- To prevent biological growth during prolonged system shutdowns, it is recommended that membrane elements be immersed in a preservative solution.
- The customer is fully responsible for the effects of incompatible chemicals and lubricants on elements.
- Avoid static permeate-side back pressure at all times.
- Permeate obtained from the first hour of operation should be discarded.
- The use of this product in and of itself does not necessarily guarantee the removal of cysts and pathogens from water. Effective cyst and pathogen reduction is dependent on the complete system design and on the operation and maintenance of the system.
Regulatory Note
This product may be subject to drinking water application restrictions in some countries; please check the application statusbefore use and sale.