- Ecosoft controller OC5000
- Easy to use thanks to smart architecture
- Universal system construction allows connecting options of permeate flushing and raw water blending
- Grundfos worldwide guaranty
- CE marked and confirmed to be safe in accordance with EC New Approach Directives
Dimensions, H×W×D: 1450×540×385 mm
Filter weight 60 kg
- Grundfos® CM 1-10 pump
- 300 psi membrane vessel
- BB10 sediment prefilter
- Electrical panel with Ecosoft controller
- Danfoss solenoid valves
- Piping, instrumentation
- Steel frame
- Carton box
- Filmtec™ ХLE-4040 / LCLE-4040 or Ecosoft ELP-4040 membrane
- Dosing pump for antiscalant
- Versatile set for raw water blending (30…240 L/h) or permeate flushing
- influent water — ½”
- permeate — ½”
- concentrate — ½”
- antiscalant dosing port – ½″
- permeate flushing input port – ½″
- Permeate capacity* — 250 L/h
- Permeate recovery** — 75%
- Maximum TDS — 3000 mg/L
- Influent flow demand
– 320…400 L/h (service)
– 1500…2000 L/h (rinse)
- Operation pressure — 8…12 bar
- Maximum pressure — 14 bar
- Electrical requirements — 230 V, 50 Hz (1 ph)
- Electrical power — 0.7 kW
- Prefilter rating — 5 μm
* depends on feed water TDS, temperature, and permeate recovery
** for low scaling/fouling water
Feed water requirements
- Influent water temperature — +5…+40 °С
- Residual chlorine, max — 0.1 mg/L
- Hardness — up to 3 meq/L (150 mg/L CaCO₃)
- Iron — up to 0.1 mg/L
- Manganese — up to 0.05 mg/L
- Silicate — up to 20 mg/L
- Chemical oxygen demand, max — 4.0 mg О₂/L
- Hydrogen sulfide – none
The limitations may be exceeded if using antiscalant, oxygen scavenger, or other RO chemical pretreatment.
OC5000 controller
The OC5000 controller is designed for automatic or manual control of reverse osmosis unit and provides:
- automatic switching on and off of the equipment upon signal;
- emergency shutdown of the equipment by signals from dry-running sensors, overpressure in the module;
- shutdown of equipment on the external STOP signal;
- hydraulic flushing of membranes;
- permanent quality control (electrical conductivity and temperature) of permeate.